SEUD - Le mouvement sous contrôle
Located in Cohade (Brioude), SEUD is organized around the following five departments:
Engineering and Tests
Purchasing and Supply chain
Sales and Administration
Manufacturing and after-sales service
Our company runs a motor assembly line and a linear actuator assembly line which integrates the armature winding operation.
Thanks to this organization, SEUD honors their customer demand with a better flexibility, skillfulness and responsiveness.
Therefore, we have an internal Research and Development department, strengthened by an external relations’ network specialized in many expertise areas.
SEUD’s strong point are the following:
Control of the entire manufacturing process; from motors and actuators design until their control
Products complying with current norms and regulations (electromagnetic compatibility, compliance with IEC 601-1 standard, TÜV certification…)
Responsiveness and flexibility to examine as quickly as possible any technical requirement for existing or in project applications.
It takes us between 8 days and 3 weeks (depending on the case) to produce one or more samples or prototypes (motors or actuators) according to your own technical specifications. We can also carry out various tests on your application in our premises.